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Green Spaces, Beautiful Burns and Historic Houses

Portobello & Joppa

Walk 3


Distance: 6 miles

Estimated Time: 2.5 to 3+ hours

Includes some flights of stairs


This walk is further ranging, with longer distances between stops. As the title suggests you will follows rivers and explore some wonderful parks and woodland areas, as well as encountering a couple of the one-time landowners' grand homes.


Includes tour route map.


To download this tour click on 'Buy Album' below and enter payment details. You will then receive an email. Open the email on the device you wish to download the tour and follow the instructions.


10% of all proceeds from this tour will go to Walk the Walk - the charity behind the Moonwalk and 10% will go to the Portobello Heritage Trust.

Green Spaces, Beautiful Burns and Historic Houses Portobello & Joppa, Walk 3: Service
Green Spaces, Beautiful Burns and Historic Houses Portobello & Joppa, Walk 3: Music Player
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